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About the Grace Encounter Intensive Workshop


Facing Your
Comfort Zones

Friday 7:00 PM to

Sunday 5:00 PM

Who You Are

Wednesday 6:30 PM to

Sunday 5:00 PM

Watch this video about Grace Encounter's life-changing intensive workshop.

4 Journeys held over 4 Weekends

journey on jan 19-21.webp

Journey 1

Confronting how you've lived less than a full life

Friday 7:00 PM to

Sunday 5:00 PM


Journey 2

who you are in God's eyes

Wednesday 6:30 PM to

Sunday 5:00 PM


Journey 3

Letting go of persistent patterns that hold you back

Friday 7:00 PM to

Sunday 5:00 PM


Journey 4

Being known by God

Friday 7:00 PM to

Sunday 5:00 PM

Workshop Dates and Registration

2025 Grace Encounter Intensive Workshop
2025 Grace Encounter Intensive Workshop
May 30, 2025, 6:00 PM CDT
CCCB, Moberly
ENCOUNTER 37 has four weekend journeys Journey 1 May 30, 6pm - June 1, 5pm Journey 2 June 4, 7pm - June 8, 5pm Journey 3 July 11, 7pm - July 13, 5pm Journey 4 Aug 1, 7pm - Aug 3, 5pm

The 10 day Grace Encounter workshop creates a safe environment that offers you an opportunity to take personal growth steps that you have found elusive up to this point in your life. To do that, the GE workshop environment takes you out of your normal world and into the GE training world. Each weekend you will live at the workshop venue, spending your days and nights with other Trainees. This completes the experience of “giving you a break” from your normal life as you are surrounded in an environment that invites new thoughts, new feelings, and new relational experiences. Individuals with a strong desire to grow and change will be prepared to benefit the most from the GE workshop.


Intensive: Many of the sessions will be focused on questions and exercises that will help you uncover spiritual realities that hold you back, and discoveries that reignite your heart. 

Growing: All of the sessions are geared to help you grow beyond where you are now. A deeper walk with Jesus is challenging. 

Learning: Many sessions will equip you with new tools for life and insights into scripture and how it connects to your deepest heart. 

Time For Life: Many of us never take the time to seriously look at our spiritual lives and just go through the motions, suffering or just putting up with less. GE is a chance to transform your heart and live a deeper fuller life with God and others. 

GE gave me tools to deal with the shame and anger I’d carried for years. I have more confidence since I’ve been set free of the snares of some of my life choices.

You are a spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical, relational, and psychological human being, and we address all of these dimensions. We will honor you and we will also challenge you. We will lead you in a variety of large and small group exercises: times of sharing, teachings on tools for life, practicing those skills, and Q&A. Every Trainee is required to commit to confidentiality about what they hear from the other Trainees. Our goal is to provide you with an environment in which it is safe to share from your heart. 


Grace Encounter seeks to put into practice the biblical principle of SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE. We are not a church that continues on and incorporates new members. But, as we help you gain the benefit of receiving and giving truth spoken in love, we pray that individuals, families, churches, and relationships will be strengthened.


What will I do?

The Training Team will guide you through large group, small group, and individual exercises that help you come to grips with a new perspective on yourself. This is done in a setting of grace and unconditional acceptance, with respect for your unique identity and situation.


How will I do it?

The training setting is not about note-taking and study. It is not a personal counseling process guided by the topics you bring up. It is curriculum-based in a controlled environment in which you take a hard look at what is working and not working in your approach to yourself, others, life, and God.

Seven follow-up meetings

Because we’re committed to making the training last, we offer a follow-up program which meets weekly for seven weeks starting after Journey Two. These include times of study and sharing. Trainees have found these very useful in growing into the truths they discover in the Journeys.


Where are you coming from?

GE is a Christian ministry that helps you make biblical principles real for your life. However, both Christians and non-Christians are welcome and benefit from GE. We will be open about our spiritual convictions and will respect yours, whatever they are.

Who’s in charge?

GE sessions are led by a Training Team of men and women who have experienced a great life change through this intensive workshop. Each one has received training to provide leadership that is both personal and professional.


Who may attend GE?

GE is open to attendance by anyone who is 20 years or older.


GE Journeys are held at CCCB's facilities in Moberly, MO. On rare occasions the location for one of the Journeys may have to be changed. Changes will be communicated to registered trainees. Dress casually and comfortably for all sessions.

Financial Information

Please don't let financial concerns keep you from receiving the healing and growth you needWe have full to partial SCHOLARSHIPS available; let us know of your need when you sign-up. If you can afford it please keep this workshop going as we are a non-profit ministry run by volunteer staff (no one is paid).

Registration Fee
  • Your registration fee secures your place in the workshop and is non-refundable; it may be used as credit towards future GE events.

  • Registration is on a “first come-first served” basis. If we do not have room for you in an Encounter, we’ll be glad to register you for the next one.

  • Early registration fee: 3 months prior = $75

  • Standard registration fee: 2 months prior = $125

  • Late registration fee: 2 weeks prior = $175 

Tuition Payments
  • In addition to the Encounter itself (which includes 100 hours of training), your payments cover lodging and most meals.

  • An Encounter is divided into two training segments: Journeys 1 & 2, and Journeys 3 & 4.

  • Journey One = $125/person

  • Journey Two = $125/person

  • Journey Three = $125/person

  • Journey Four = $125/person

  • Tuition Total (all journeys, not including registration fee) = $500


Payment Options
  • Credit card (MC/VI) via Pay Pal

  • Cash

  • Check


Tuition Payment Cancellation Policy

Tuition payments are refundable until a training segment has begun. Unforeseen circumstances that prevent a participant from completing a training segment will be handled on an individual basis.

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