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Grace Encounter Feedback Survey

Not at all​

I have attended a Grace Encounter activity in the last 2 years [either as a participant or by helping with a support role]


Not at all​

Grace Encounter changed my life!


Not at all​

I still actively use my GE tools!


Not at all​

I actively recruit people to attend GE


Not at all​

I have helped sponsor someone financially to attend GE

5 people or more

Not at all​

I feel cost is a hindrance when discussing GE with a prospective participant

Yes- very much so!

Not at all​

I feel the cost should be reduced in order for more people to attend

Yes- very much so!

Not at all​

I would like to find ways to actively participate in GE activities

Yes- very much so!

Not at all​

I would like to have opportunities to strengthen my tools

Yes- very much so!

Not at all​

I would like to learn NEW ways to live my life as the person God created me to be

Yes- very much so!

Please tell us: What was the MOST meaningful part of your Grace Encounter experience?

Please tell us: What is one thing that could have made your Grace Encounter experience better?

Phone Number [optional]:

Thanks for submitting!

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